The last two years have graced us with atypically mild flu seasons. This year we’re not so lucky. The flu season seems to have started early, and at least on the East Coast is quite severe. This week Boston has declared a public health emergency as their emergency departments became swamped with flu cases. In Pennsylvania, a hospital erected a tent outside its emergency department for the increasing number of flu patients. The number of flu cases is increasing in California too, though we may ...
Many Women Who Don’t Need Them Are Still Getting Pap Tests
My regular readers know that I frequently bemoan the fact that we have no effective way to test for most cancers, and that in many cancers early diagnosis does not improve survival. Cervical cancer is one of the few exceptions. Since Georgios Papanikolau developed the test named after him, the Pap test has dramatically reduced the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.
More recent advances have shown that cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted in...
A Reminder about Earthquake Preparedness

Multivitamins May Slightly Decrease Cancer Risk in Older Men
Ninth Hantavirus Case Linked to Yosemite
In 1993 in the Four Corners region of the US Southwest a woman developed a cough and progressive shortness of breath and died shortly thereafter. A few days later, her fiancée, a young physically fit man developed similar symptoms was rushed to a hospital and also died. A series of laboratory tests failed to identify any known infectious agent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Special Pathogens Branch was notified. Further testing revealed a previously unknown strain of han...
Get Your Flu Shot

Preventing Falls in Older Patients

West Nile Virus Cases at Eight Year High

A Reminder about Water Safety
I’m always dismayed when people try to exaggerate the health risks of certain substances by calling them “chemicals”. “We have to worry about chemicals in apple juice” they’ll warn, or “chemicals in plastic bottles”. As anyone who’s taken a chemistry class can tell you, “chemicals” is just an intimidating word for “stuff”. Calling it a chemical doesn’t tell you anything about what it is or how it affects people. Roses and clouds and rocket fuel and spaghetti are all made of chemicals, because ...
Why I Won’t Have a PSA Test When I Turn 50