Wednesday, July 22, 2020
In my last post three weeks ago I observed the trend that the number of new daily COVID-19 cases had been increasing for two months in LA County while deaths from COVID had been decreasing. That post generated many questions and responses. (Thanks!) Today I’d like to update us on the situation in LA and answer some of the questions you posed.
About two w...
Summary, Speculation, Suggestion
Friday, July 3, 2020
I haven’t written for about two months. One reason is that I’ve been busy taking care of my patients. Only three of my patients have contracted COVID, as far as I know. All have recovered. Many others may have had asymptomatic infections. But almost all of my patients have had important COVID-related questions and concerns. Another reason for the blogging pause is that for the last two months I haven’t known what to write, because I didn’t understand what was happenin...