Testing, Testing

Calvin Fuchs
[I’m writing this on Thursday, March 26. Everything in this post might be false in a few days, and conditions might be different in places other than Los Angeles. Keep up to date by checking your local health department website.]

“Time I had some time alone” -- It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by REM

The kerfuffle about coro...

Video Chat Instructions

Instructions for having a video chat with your doctor

  1. For computer users: Please make sure you have a webcam. Please have the Chrome browser installed on your computer OR download the desktop “Intermedia AnyMeeting” app. For iPhone users: Please download the “More

What You Need to Know about the Novel Coronavirus

Unless you’ve been strictly limiting your media consumption to reviews of the midseason finale of The Walking Dead, you’ve probably heard of a novel coronavirus that is causing a bit of bother among public health officials. In this post I’ll try to summarize and explain the evolving situation and highlight the current advice for the US public. In December, a coronavirus that had never before been detected in humans began making people sick in Wuhan City, China. Since that time More