The internet offers unimaginable quantities of information instantly and conveniently, but with no guarantee that the information comes from a reputable source. Dr. Fuchs offers below some links to trustworthy sources of medical information. Obviously, any information you learn online should be used to supplement, not replace, the advice of your doctor.


A searchable website that has patient information about many health problems.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The official site of the CDC in the Department of Health and Human Services. Besides general health information, it has up-to- date information on worldwide epidemics. The “Travelers Health” link on the main page is the most authoritative source for disease prevention for Americans traveling abroad. It’s the site Dr. Fuchs uses before his patients travel to assure that they receive the appropriate vaccinations, medications, and advice.

American Diabetes Association

Over 20 million Americans (including many of Dr. Fuchs’s patients) have diabetes. The disease can have serious long term consequences but they can be prevented with meticulous care from the physician and healthy lifestyle choices by the patient. The ADA website has useful information about diet, exercise, and diabetes management.

U.S. Preventative Services Task Force

The USPSTF is an independent panel of experts in primary care and prevention that systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services. Unlike many professional associations, this panel is entirely free from commercial bias and evaluates various preventive health services based on only the scientific evidence. If you’re wondering what preventive tests or treatments have been proven to work, this is your most reliable source.

American Board of Internal Medicine

Is your doctor board certified in internal medicine? Check here.

Medical Board of California

Is your doctor licensed to practice in California? Has the medical board disciplined him or her? Check here.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

A guide to one of the nation’s top medical facilities, where Dr. Fuchs is a member of the medical staff.

The internet offers unimaginable quantities of information instantly and conveniently, but with no guarantee that the information comes from a reputable source. Dr. Fuchs offers below some links to trustworthy sources of medical information. Obviously, any information you learn online should be used to supplement, not replace, the advice of your doctor.